Monday, March 2, 2009

Schedule of Events

March 2 - Driving to Stanford University
March 3 - Medical exam, CT scan
March 5 - Head shaved, screws installed, MRI, massage
March 6 - Surgery #1, implantation of electrodes
March 7/8 - Release from hospital - stay at Stanford Guest House for Observation
March 13 - Check out of Stanford Guest House
March 18 - Remove staples
Then... head home to Mt. Shasta
First week of April - return to Stanford U. to program and activate brain stimulator.

Monthly for the first 6 months, return to Stanford for programming adjustments.


  1. Aloha Juanito y Luzita

    I am with you in SPIRIT and will be sending prayers and LOVE to you both through out this time. Please know that if you need me ... I will hop on a plane! Is there a physical address where I can send Luzita something?


  2. We love you Luzita. We'll be holding your light deep in our hearts.

  3. Querida Luz: La familia Gómez Agudelo a estado muy pendiente del desarollo de toda la operación. Estuvimos tratando de comunicarnos (mi papá)al celular de Juanito, pero siempre estuvo en correo de voz.

    Nos alegramos inmensamente que todo te haya salido bien y hayas ido a la casa a hacer visita.

    En los proximos días mi papá te llamará a la casa para hablar con tigo.

    abrazos, besos....

    Toda La familia.
